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Help Center Joining A Game As An Individual What is the wet weather policy for uncovered pitches?

What is the wet weather policy for uncovered pitches?

All players must turn up and wait up to 30 minutes from the game’s start time. The Host or Referee will assess conditions, and determine whether to cancel the game. If the game is cancelled, a full refund will be issued. If the game is partially playable, a full or partial refund may apply, at management’s discretion.

For 11-a-side games, this generally means a full refund if <20 minutes were playable, and a 50% refund if the second half does not kick off. For all other games, this generally means a full refund if <1/3 of the game time was playable, and a 50% refund if <2/3 of the game time was playable.

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